Tony Fernandes Says No Change in Running QPR
A couple days ago, a brief part of a supposed interview with QPR (and Air Asia) Chairman, Tony Fernandes in some publication, was sent around originally on twitter; and then reposted on various QPR Messageboards.
In that apparent interview excerpt, Fernandes said "...I have moved out of Formula 1 Work and [English Premier League team] QPR work. I am now leaving it to Ruben (Gnanalingam) and Amit (Bhatia, son-in-law of Indian tycoon Lakshmi Mittal) to take a bigger role in managing this. I am also reducing the number of directorships I have in Tune [group]. I will be spending more time in Malaysia working on Air Asia and Air Asia X" Original Twitter Link
A number of people took note of this and further disseminated it in tweets and on Messageboards
"@QPRReport If anyone missed yesterday: Snippet @TonyFernandes interview saying was leaving more to Ruben & Amit Running of #QPR
Last Night, Chairman Fernandes declared in a tweet: "absolute rubbish as per normal. No Change in my position Chairman as long as everyone wants Ruban and Amit have always helped"
@QPRReport absolute rubbish as per normal. No change in my position. Chairman as long as everyone wants . RUBAN and amit have always helped
7:23 PM - 27 Nov 2014